June 23, 2017 - 210 words

Gail Vitruvian had a big anchor for a face. That was okay because everyone did. Anchor-faces. On the planet Vitruvian Gail Vitruvian had the best anchor of them all: a big black one right in her fucking face.

Friends admired it. Family was jealous of it. Friends were jealous of it and family was in a state of admiration (of it). There were a lot of mixed feelings about Gail’s fucking anchor-face and nobody had the courage to say anything. Except her friends who always said “love the face Gail keep on bringing that face on over to our parties where everyone just stares at it.”

Not true. Gail would never admit this to herself but secretly she had a strange flavor of pride in her own face. It was a flavor not unlike pride but not sufficiently different from the definition of pride to have its own term for the state of her own pride. The truth was her anchor-face had nothing remarkable about it that other people’s faces didn’t have. The secret was this.

Here is the secret.

The secret to Gail Vitruvian’s face is coming up.

Here is how she made her face. Her anchor-face.

All secrets must have answers. All riddles must be solved!! The end.