November 14, 2019 - 393 words

“Halfway there,” muttered Hem II as he traipsed with his pals Bram and Crawley. They were huffin’ and puffin’ as they usually were but Hem hisself was also a bit winded, were he given the chance to admit it.

WHICH HE WEREN’T in fact, due to the howlin’ wind blowin’ up their backsides. They were on the other edge of the Fleep Fleep forest today, this time roundin’ about near Heemee’s Woods or whatever the flimmer they were called. Heemee had her own thing goin’ on and that was just fine, she don’t need much more than a passin’ reference in these things.

Today they were out explorin’ this region of the forest and hopin’ for a glimpse of Nurmermer Canyon out past the forest. They never saw the thing with their own eyes owin’ to the city ordinance that no lads under the age of some sorta age was permitted out here in the Wildness.

Well they were throwin’ that ordinance right out on account of some of Glen’s stories. Glen and Hem were gettin’ right close and with that closeness comes a bit of tales leakin’ outta his mouth. Word from Glen suggested that the Nurmermermaids made their havens at the bottom of the Nurmermer Canyon and hooooo boy if Hem and his fellas weren’t keen to go on a bit of a searchin’!

But they were only halfway there and SWEAR TO THE KING the next scene has gotta continue this lil’ mini adventure. Thinkin’ somethin’s gotta go down here and it’s only right that Hem’s the one to see it.

Ramblin’ thoughts, Hem thought with a thought. Gotta stop.

“Aye I suspect we’ve got ourselves to a halfway point,” announced Hem. Bram and Crawley both sighed in relief and exhaustion.

“Reckon it’s time for a light repast,” said Bram, already pulling his light repast out of his repast satchel. They had found some refuge from the Stormin’, underneath a neat rocky overhang. They scuttled in and pulled out some firewood (which they stored in their packs so they could LIGHT IT).

Once a clickin’ fire was goin’ they had themselves a fancy feast of boiled yammers and hot jins.

“Aye,” muttered Crawley in between chews. It was just a good nature meal.

“Aye,” agreed Hem. He liked this. He would remember this journey for years and years AND YEARS.