March 29, 2020 - 277 words

The sun rose swiftly. It was a glowing ball of fire that set the Madman’s Mountains aflame and threw orange rays onto the tips of the trees that comprised the Whatever Forest. The forest next to Gilba Gilba. You know the one. That one. The forest trails had fallen into disuse and were overgrown with moss and thorny shrubs that impeded even the most hardy of woodsmen. There was no purpose in venturing within these woodlands any longer.

Wind rippled over the Ravin’ River and brought the rapids to a constant rush that dulled the senses of the riverside residents of Gilba Gilba. Dulay McGavermviner drank deep from his flask of contents. They seemed to glow from within, but he could not be sure whether the contents of the flask were doin’ that or it were the contents of his mind. Didn’t matter either way; looked nice in there.

The Madman’s Mountains began its morning howl. On account of the wind, demons, or madmen, it weren’t quite clear where those howls originated but they all sounded the same whatever it was.

Dulay tossed a pebble into the river and it was silently swallowed, as though it never existed. He picked hisself up from the riverbank and hobbled back to the outer streets of Gilba Gilba. Too early for the neighborhood cats to patrol the lanes and Dulay liked that. He liked wakin’ up early and findin’ parts o’ the town that nobody knew about. Dulay had a friend he used to do this with, but he had suddenly fallen ill and then passed on into the Next Part, so now he was back to doin’ it alone.