Fun Day Trip into the Caves

Fun Day Trip into the Caves

November 01, 2019 - 336 words

Lost. They were lost. They had been lost for days but neither of them could admit it. Now they had to face it: they were lost.

"Now what?" Zelda said to Link. She could sense he was upset but she had to talk to him somehow.

"I'm thinking."

"You've been thinking for an hour. What are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet. Give me a moment."

They were in the depths of the Yuiopoiuyt Caves. The Old Man In The House had told them they would find the fabled Potion of Truth here in the Yuiopoiuyt Caves. Without a map or a light or even a WORD they set off recklessly into this interlocking maze, this labyrinthine network of tunnels and strange sounds. A quiet humming was surrounding them at all times and Link was beginning to think he had no idea what would come next in this scene. Just a series of words that led to more words and then before he knew it, a scene had emerged. A picture of what they were experiencing. It was these kinds of thoughts that kept him going, kept him in the loop, kept him thinking about how to get out of these Caves.

"Well, we got in, we can get out," Zelda said simply. "That's the way it goes. It's just the way of it."

"Yeah great," muttered Link without looking up from his boiling soup. He grabbed it and flung it directly into his face. The scalding liquid went onto his skin and stayed there. It was not a pleasant feeling but nor was it entirely unpleasant. Agonizing yes but within the agony he found a curious sort of ecstasy. Perhaps this was the Potion of Truth? "I think I found it," he seethed through the burning pain. He stuck his hands into the fire that that had been burning. His hands curled and shook in torture as they blackened and smoked with the stench of cooking flesh. "Yes. Yes. I have found it."